The UAE Joins BRICS : the booming economy of the future

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has officially joined the BRICS group of emerging economies, becoming the bloc’s sixth member. The announcement was made at the 14th BRICS summit held in Johannesburg, South Africa on August 24, 2023.

The BRICS countries are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. They are all major economies with significant influence in the global economy. The UAE’s membership in BRICS is seen as a major boost for the country’s economy and its global standing.

The UAE has been seeking membership in BRICS for several years. The country’s economy has grown rapidly in recent years, and it has become a major player in the global energy and finance markets. The UAE is also a major investor in other BRICS countries.

The UAE’s membership in BRICS is expected to strengthen the bloc’s economic and political ties. The UAE is a major exporter of oil and gas, and it has significant financial resources. The country is also a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

The UAE’s membership in BRICS is also seen as a sign of the bloc’s growing influence in the global economy. The BRICS countries account for a significant share of the world’s GDP, and they are increasingly playing a leading role in international affairs.

The UAE’s membership in BRICS is a major development for the country and for the BRICS bloc. It is a sign of the UAE’s growing economic and political influence, and it is expected to strengthen the bloc’s economic and political ties.

The Benefits of UAE Joining BRICS

There are a number of benefits to the UAE joining BRICS. These include:

  • Increased trade and investment: BRICS countries are major economies with significant purchasing power. The UAE’s membership in BRICS is expected to lead to increased trade and investment between the UAE and the other BRICS countries.
  • Enhanced economic cooperation: BRICS countries have already been cooperating on a number of economic initiatives. The UAE’s membership in BRICS is expected to further enhance this cooperation and lead to new initiatives.
  • Increased political influence: BRICS countries are increasingly playing a leading role in international affairs. The UAE’s membership in BRICS is expected to give the country a greater voice in these affairs.
  • Enhanced image: BRICS countries are seen as major emerging economies with a bright future. The UAE’s membership in BRICS is expected to enhance the country’s image and make it more attractive to investors and businesses.

The Challenges of UAE Joining BRICS

There are also some challenges that the UAE will face as a member of BRICS. These include:

  • Competition from other BRICS countries: The BRICS countries are all major economies with significant resources. The UAE will face competition from these countries in a number of areas, including trade, investment, and political influence.
  • The need to adapt to BRICS norms and standards: The BRICS countries have their own norms and standards in a number of areas, including trade, investment, and finance. The UAE will need to adapt to these norms and standards in order to fully participate in BRICS cooperation.
  • The need to manage expectations: The UAE’s membership in BRICS is likely to raise expectations among the country’s citizens and businesses. The UAE will need to manage these expectations and ensure that the country’s benefits from BRICS membership are realized.


The UAE’s membership in BRICS is a major development for the country and for the BRICS bloc. It is a sign of the UAE’s growing economic and political influence, and it is expected to strengthen the bloc’s economic and political ties. However, the UAE will also face some challenges as a member of BRICS. These challenges include competition from other BRICS countries, the need to adapt to BRICS norms and standards, and the need to manage expectations.