Jack Lang aims to remain at the head of the Arab World Institute

Jack Lang, the French politician at the head of the Arab World Institute, wants to extend his mandate after ten years in charge. The successor of Renaud Muselier is known for being a demanding president when it comes to being served and enjoying amenities and privileges. He recently asked to extend his mandate as president of the Arab World Institute.

Why does Jack Lang want to extend his mandate?

Jack Lang has asked for a second mandate after ten years as president of the Arab World Institute. He is not asking for a long mandate, but only three years, to “continue what I started,” as he puts it.

“I don’t want to seem like I’m clinging on. But it’s true that I want to continue what I started. At the same time, three years is not eternity.”

If he is re-elected, he will be able to enjoy trips to Saudi Arabia and throughout the Middle East as well as a salary of 10,000 euros per month, which he considers insufficient for someone in this type of position.

But the final decision rests with the President of the Republic and the board of directors of the institute. He also states that he is the ideal candidate for the position according to Stanislas Nordey, highlighting the praise he has received.

“I read the newspapers a bit… Age doesn’t matter. The world is collapsing with young fools,” wrote the director. “What you have done with the Arab World Institute is like what you did before: it worked because you have the curiosity and enthusiasm of a young man! The maturity of a man full of experience and wisdom, but also the impatience, the rage of a kid.”

The future will tell us how this story will unfold…

Jack Lang has already been extended

As he himself says, he doesn’t want to seem like he’s clinging on. However, his new request seems to prove the opposite.

Indeed, Jack Lang had already been extended in 2020 after seven years as president of the institute. Selected by François Hollande and then extended by Emmanuel Macron, the two men were convinced that Jack Lang was the best candidate for the position, and this is probably still the case today.

Jack Lang could therefore well obtain the extension he desires. At the same time, three years is not eternity, right?

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